Tuesday, October 19, 2010

American Political -Economy and Ronald Reagan is the Judas that Betrayed American Value to the Vandals

Analytical honesty of American Political-Economy in it's national and international function would require President Ronald Reagan and his aptly named Reaganomics, Voodoo Economics, being squarely blamed for American Political-Economy decline.

From the destruction of Labor Unions through the stranglehold of Health Care, to Value Speculation run amuck under the aegis of corporate deregulation.  From exploiting Racism, White American resentment and reaction to the Constitutionally criminal apathy of discarding and abandoning the nations mentally ill, through the politicization of the AIDS, HIV tragedy and inciting rabid civic illiteracy-- Ronald Reagan and his Republican-Conservatism was and is the Judas that betrayed American Value to the Vandals.

By Apropos


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