Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Canadian Energy Company Enbridge, Corporate Deregulation Republican-Conservatism / Tea Partyism, Functional Illiteracy and the Abolishment of the U.S. Department of Education

The recent resulting scandal of the Marshall, Michigan oil spill by the Canadian energy company Enbridge shares a striking similarity with the Subprime Rate, Credit Default Swap Housing Crisis--which is people, families, victimized by Republican-Conservatism/Tea Partyism catalyzed corporate deregulation were functionally illiterate.

Those victimized persons and families in their functionally illiteracy unable to read and understand the release and waiver forms the Canadian Energy Company Embridge, a corporate behemoth thrust before them to sign away what little rights their abject humanness afforded them were ill-suited and ill-quipped to defend their inalienable right.

If Republican-Conservatism/Tea Partyism Intellectual-Liberalism and it's defense of conglomerate monopolies pursues absolute deregulation of corporate business practices and if the functional illiteracy of the middle and lower classes is a requisite.  Is it then surprising why we see Republican-Conservatism/Tea Partyism and it's Intellectual-Liberalism consistently advocating spending cuts in education and the abolishment of the U.S. Department of Education?

Republican-Conservatism/Tea Partyism and it's small government gambit needs a dumb electorate and citizenry to ply  it's Intellectual-Liberalism ravages.

By Apropos


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