Monday, April 19, 2010

Terrorism and Air Travel Security in the United States and the Israeli Model

Terrorism and Air Travel Security in the United States since the 9-11 attacks has taken on a nuanced discordant narrative due to it's cooption by that failing---political opportunity.
The Israeli Model has been touted and presented as an example of a nation that gets it right on fighting Terrorism and being smart on Air Travel Security.  The reality is the Israeli Model as contrast for the United States is a simplistic, idealistic and reckless exercise.

Comparing the Israeli Model of Air Travel Security with the reality of the United States has only one objective: political opportunity.  In the sense that it's proponents seek to show that Israel is useful to the United States, even superiorly practical.

The consequence nonetheless is simple.  For the purposes of Terrorism and Air Travel Security, the Israeli Model is irrelevant and abjectedly insignificant.  Israel's security concerns are specifically narrow. The Israeli Model contends with a specifically profiled demographic.  Israel is not a nation that enjoys robust travel activity when compared to the United States.  Only a certain type of traveler goes to Israel and for easily monitored reasons and that permits and allows the Israeli Model an idealistic convenience.

The United States on the other hand is a destination for the four corners of the earth.  it deals with a true demographic plurality and it's Air Travel Security concerns are truer and correct than the propagandist advocacy of the Israeli Model.

By Apropos


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