Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Bush Administration, Due Process and Terrorist

When the Bush Administration and it's neo-con lackey's pursue the policy of denying adversarial and meaningful due process to those it tags as terrorist on the grounds secrets will be revealed, thus jeopardizing the War effort, it's again another in your face example of are these people flat earthers or what.

The argument and it's substance has nothing to do with depriving terrorist of information. Instead it has everything to do with redefining accountability and Governmental transparency. It is also about depriving citizens of State secrets and with that comes intimidation. The less people are aware of State machinations the more intimidated they are.

Just as a substantial amount of the Bush Administration's efforts in it's struggle against rocket grenades improvised-explosives and suicide bombers hasn't been external, but internally and nationally-specifically the attempt at redrawing American freedoms so is the ridiculous idea that Guantanamo Bay, isn't U.S. soil. If it isn't then what is it? Fidel Castro and his acolytes have no control over it.

Terrorist already know what the Bush Administration knows and as a practical fact, they know what it wants to know. If it is a question of what a captured terrorist might have revealed during detention. Any terrorist group worthy of focus of the U.S. political and military leadership is taken as being organized in a manner that automatically assumes captured operatives are compromised and have revealed secrets.

By Apropos


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