Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Filthy conditions of a Fort Bragg Barracks

I know there are policy makers in the Bush administration and the ranks of General in the Military, whose initial reaction upon learning that the filthy conditions of a Fort Bragg Barracks had been captured on You Tube by a Distraught father, whose son had just returned from Afghanistan, in all it's expose' of the Flag Pin wearing and Support the Troops farce, was to:

  1. Damn the Digital Revolution
  2. Damn nosy civilians with camcorders
  3. Damn Americans for in Military parlance "being soft" and vow to heretofore ban all barracks visits by civilians.
Thanks to the Frawley's we now have Fort Bragg to add on to Walter Reed apathy. Along with the Minnesota Red Bull insult and the entire Iraq War travesty---We now also know what these "hawks' of War really think about the altruistic who serve in uniform.
By Apropos


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