Sunday, April 6, 2008

Logan and the State of Illinois, it's Law, Order and Ethics

 The 3/9/08; CBS 60 Minutes Show brought to the fore another example of Law, Order and it's Ethics gone horribly awry. The report was about a couple of Attorneys, whose names as a consequence of their deeds is irrelevant, but for the purpose of posterity will be forever tied to the man Logan who due to their actions, their inactions languished behind bars, imprisoned by the Great State of Illinois for 26 years and counting, because at the time of the airing the State of Illinois still acts with the presumption that it's legal process maintains that facade of legitimacy in regards to the man Logan.

Logan was convicted for an act which was committed by the client of the lawyers in question. Their client confessed to them and he expressed how thrilled he was with the fact, an innocent man was being convicted and punished for something he did.

The lawyers in question kept their mouths shut 26 years! Because of what they described as an ethical conundrum. Wonder how much of a conundrum it would had been were their family in it's vortex.

My concern with this recurring theme in the Justice System isn't the simple matter of here we go again another mockery of Justice. But the Justice System is too vindictive, too idealistic, too sanctimonious in it's pronouncements, Elliott Spitzer like.

The degradation and dehumanization of all those involved and I mean All! Is too complete for so many lives to suffer it's errors and presumptions.

By Apropos


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