Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Imperialism, The Outsourcing of Manufacturing and the Price of Gas

Isn't it weird and telling that the mainstream media spends more time and energy trying to convince us that the price of gas is low in comparison with the rest of the world?

Is this a talking point from the oil industry?

95% of stories and comments made about the price of gas and it's manipulation has been the hard sell, that the price is low. Apologist-shills argue that the price of gas in comparison to that of the 70's; is relatively low and cheap.

Since when has the perfidious "objective" media been a shill for an industry?

There is a strenuous and energetic effort being made to justify the souring price of gas and it's basis is the collusion to ensure that the industrial maws of China and India, particularly China has the necessary oil and energy to continue it's function in this Colonial paradigm of imperialism. Because If the U.S. is not the global manufacturing center, why then should the finite reserves of oil come it's way at the expense of the new manufacturing , China base as decreed by imperialism.

By Apropos


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