Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Jack Croddy's Lament: Assignment Baghdad, A death sentence.

Where is the Republican outcry, where is the Conservative outrage??

Why is the land so quiet with the din from all those who equated any sort of critique of the Republican led, Bush Iraq War fiasco --- I can't hear you---Over this bizarre spectacle, State Department employees squealing protest, wetting and pissing in their foggy bottom diapers in opposition to the proposed policy that they can be ordered to Iraq.

At a meeting on 10/31/07; Jack Croddy a State Department official had the temerity to squeal that an assignment to Baghdad was a "Potential Death Sentence".

Why should Jack Croddy's life be any more relevant than all those 19,20 and 21 year old lives sweating in their tin can Humvees on patrol, not in the barricaded luxurious coffins of the Green Zone but on the duty streets of Baghdad.

"Some are more equal"

By Apropos


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