Friday, November 9, 2007

Aw shucks naivete and Musharraf's Pakistan

A few weeks ago, scampering Benazir Bhutto, big business anointee to play the role of opposition in Pakistan politics returned to Pakistan after what had obviously been a brokered experiment, to the welcoming violence of an assassins bomb. Which narrowly missed her but accomplished another possibility the evidence of a topical imperative that had nothing to do with suppositions of business as usual and sphere of influence politics.

The conventional wisdom then among self-proclaimed experts real politick past masters, was the usual hapless bogeyman, Al Qaeda was behind the blast and attempted assassination. The probability that the Cabal of Musharraf, the current Pakistan Military Dictator could have been behind the convenience of the bombing was not explored in any serious manner. Whether this failure was deliberate disinformation of mere analytical liberalism is left to be seen. What is known is the babble tweaking ears of apathy is, Pakistan is a U.S. ally in the global war on terrorism so analysis of events must be reduced to basic Aw Shucks Naivete.

Developments of the past days, bus loads of Pakistani intelligentsia Judge, Lawyers, Journalist being driven off to detention and torture centers, in response to the imposition of Martial Law by Musharraf and his Cabal is now revealing that it fits. if Musharraf is willing to go down the draconian and tumultuous route of Martial Law then the inference comes easy that the bombing which welcomed Bhutto was the easy logic and Al Qaeda fulfilling it's Oswaldian role easy to blame.

By Apropos


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