Friday, November 9, 2007

Bill Richardson, The Vice-Presidency and the end game gambit.

Come on Bill Richardson, you haven't conceded in your quest for the Democratic nomination for President. But sucking up to Hillary during the 10/30/o7; debates at Philadelphia when she was rightfully and correctly being attacked was your Gerber moment. Sucking up to Hillary and the Clinton machine whose zeal for the Presidency is simply Office for the sake of Office, because if Bill Clinton, the husband couldn't realize whatever ideas they had in 8 years as President, Why then should anyone think Hillary has any real direction of which way forward through the morass of this albatross strangle of archaic Colonial and Neo-Colonial Political-Economy foisted the Walmart way? Bill Richardson can calculate all he wants to for the Vice-Presidential slot, but his characterization of the sort of political-action displayed by Obama, Edwards, and Dodd against Hillary during the debate as mud slinging or negative politics is preposterous, and pathetic. But then it's his end-game gambit. By Apropos


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