Monday, May 19, 2008

Black Gender Relationship and the American Condition

Can there be an objective and practical analysis of Black Gender Relationship without scrutinizing the Political-Economic conditions which originally supports the existence of Black People? This Writer is of the position that such is impossible yet a seeming majority of Black Intelligentsia act as it is and in most cases voluminous analysis have been undertaken in it's pursuit, as if Black Gender Relationship is independent of the American condition and it's dictating forces and can be analyzed separate and apart from the American Condition and it's basis.

Black Gender Relationship and the generality of the Black American social condition, it's health, stability and direction, is like unto any other aspect of the human condition, it develops upon and is affirmed within those conditional basis of how human beings go about re-creating the basis for existence and the subsequent development of their lives. If it is understood that the Black American or descendants of Africans brought to the United Sates in chains are now what they are due to the heritage of slavery, then why is it problematic for any examination of Black Gender relationship to objectively base it's method of analysis from it?

Most Analysis presented always represent one dimension of the Black American condition, it's metaphysical facet and it is always at the expense of the profane substance of Black Life, which allows and enables the metaphysical idea to even exist in the first place. In consequence, if the reason for the gender issue is grasped, those analyst refuse to accept it, discarding it for an idea, their idea of the problem, it's cause and solution that exist only in their heads and the heads of those who hold similar and like views.

If Black Gender Relationship is described as chaotic and unstable it also goes to say, Black Life, which is to say condition of existence for Black people is chaotic and unstable. One crucial factor consistently overlooked and if it is factored, it is done in a static and insignificant manner is the fact of American Slavery.

Africans were brought to the U.S. as Slaves, specifically to satisfy an economical need. The African Slaves then became components of U.S. society, but as Slaves. Their relationship then held with the U.S. economy defined their Political condition. Consequently laws defining the nature of the enslaved social polity were developed. Laws are relative and reflective of Political conditions which in the case of the enslaved Africans objectified the nature of relations with U.S. Political-Economy, which from it's inception has defined and dictated the terms of the Black Condition in the U.S.

Within the pursuits of maintaining the economical imperatives of Slavery a variety and wide array of methods were utilized by U.S. Political-Economy of which that most fundamental ploy of "Divide and Conquer" was one. The Application of the Divide and Conquer maxim was on the one hand objective machinations and on the other subjective manipulation of human psychology. Those enslaved Africans , who through the harsh conditions of the initial capture, to the end of finding themselves on the dusty fields of America, were for the most deeply traumatized. Nonetheless to attain the ends to their investment, Slaveholders had to allow a bit of liberalization and a lessening of the trauma and with that came the accompanying threat of uprising and rebellion.

Once organizers of American Slavery, the Slaveholders and the Political-Economy, found that particular level and point at which Slavery and it's relative control could be maintained without destabilizing the strategic intent: The basis for Black Gender Relationship was laid and structured.

The variegated, maneuvering, manipulations, ploys, gambits and determinations which occurred through out that tenuous relationship we now generally describe as American Slavery were the formative base for all that we now know and view as Black Gender Interactive Behavior. The Black Man and Woman existing as Slaves in principle and in deed developed attitudes and behavior despite it being in reaction to their condition became to be an intrinsic basis for interaction and relationship with each other.

Slavery might not exist as a fact of contemporary U.S. society, but it's dynamic as the structural basis for American Political-Economy reigns supreme in modern American society and in more ways than one, it is experienced as the strain and discord of Black Gender Relationship.

By Apropos


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