Sunday, May 17, 2009

Dana Bash, Rick Sanchez, Trojan-Horses, Nancy Pelosi and the Bush Cheney Torture Schematic

Come on Dana Bash, Rick Sanchez of CNN are you Trojan-Horses for the Republican-Conservatism? Because making issues of Nancy Pelosi's double talk on what she knew as ranking Democrat concerning the Bush-Cheney torture schematic only infers perjury. Bashing Nancy Pelosi is diversion from the irrefutable fact that the United States during the Bush-Cheney government has been exposed as a torture nation, another pathetic practioner of getting people to scream, piss and defecate on theirself. All in the employ of the "Pursuit of Happiness".

Torture has a historic face. Trojan-Horse diversions are historic and we are expected to accept that the C.I.A. is telling the truth and Nancy Pelosi is lying? Is the C.I.A. squeamish about lying to the U.S. Congress? When it had no qualms lying about Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction?

By Apropos


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