Thursday, December 3, 2020

Voter Suppression Is Worse Than Drug Dealing and Catherine Englebrecht By William Thorpe

If Christopher Hooks "What if they held an election and everyone came" article in the November 2020 Texas Monthly Magazine is factually accurate and what he raises against Catherine Englebrecht, to wit others, is correct then it's clearly a prima facie expose' of voter suppression and conspiracy to commit voter suppression and it must be investigated and Catherine Englebrecht held to account.

Secondly, the same November 2020 Texas Monthly carrying the Hooks voter suppression in Texas expose' has 90 pages listing the creme de la creme of Texas Attorney's, Texan legal mind, who more than others understand Hook's declaration that:

"If the health of a democracy can be measured by how many citizens participate in the political process Texas has Lupus....."


..."The Declaration of Independence avers that a government is only legitimate if it enjoys the"consent of the governed," but for much of the U.S. history, it worked that way

So why then are we assaulted and insulted with 90 pages of smiling predominantly white lawyers proffering a base of social legitimacy whom if Hooks is correct in his voter suppression expose' per virtue of their professional existence have clearly abrogated their civic, ethical and moral duty to call out, disavow and get on the right side of humanness by repudiating the elemental crime and tyranny of voter suppression that taints their very existence as Texan social beings and the unjust privilege, it bestows.

Thirdly, why hasn't texas Black intelligentsia demanded that the likes of Catherine Engelbrecht are investigated. If what Hooks exposes in his is article correct, Engelbrecht then is nothing more than a pining extra from Birth of a Nation a holdover from its stylized supremacist futility. which consequently is more depraved than the activity of a drug dealer whose social existence is effected by the intellectual-liberalism of the likes of Englebrecht and their voter suppression pursuits.

If the vote and the act of voting, in principle and its practice, is the determinant of society and it's basis then anything that violates it is more than anything else criminality of the first degree and highest order and its high time elements as Catherine Englebrecht, if hooks expose pans out are labeled as petty criminals that they are, lower than the drug dealer reprobate

By William Thorpe


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