Monday, December 30, 2019

Critical Race Theory and The Philistine Meeke Addison By William Thorpe

Okay we will play along and act like the Philistine Meeky Addison's disdain for Critical Race Theory is something more than just another pathetic intellectual-liberal example of the house negro apology and mock it on her evangelical-apologetic terms. Which then simply amounts to, there cannot be a continuum of American injustice embodied by it's white subjective within the evangelical Christian context because; the redemptive Christ has cleansed sin, hence racism as expression of sin is mooted.

Now such sophistry worthy of the eponymous past master himself Paul aka Saul demands consistency, a consistency the pharisaism of Meeky Addison is incapable of delivering. Because if all socio-critique and pursuit of justice are viewed through the evangelical-apologetics dicta, then why do we even have social-remonstrance if the redemptive Christ has relieved us of sin and its continuum? But the fact is Meeky Addison's disdain and ire for Critical Race Theory is, it simply destabilizes her world view because it is the mirror reflecting her inferiority and house negro self-loathing and no amount of religiosity and its jealous-resentment of secularism will redeem this bad fact.

Critical Race Theory is a statement of the obvious: The effects of the continuum of white privilege and its wake upon American justice which, whether or not Meeky Addison recognizes if the very ground her evangelical-apologetics stands and teeters on.


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