Sunday, May 3, 2015

Barack Obama, The Sarah Palin Narrative of American Politics and Bill Clinton

Republican and their allies, domestic and foreign have never passed up on the opportunity to label and claim Barack Obama incompetent and the worst President ever.

The problem with this critique is: it's idealistic and wrong.  It only reveals that Barack Obama has effectively resisted and thwarted their business as usual gambits by not being their flunky and lackey as Bill Clinton was during his Presidency.

Barack Obama by being a two term President has practically shown that a Democrat, Liberal and Progressive can take on and trounce the Sarah Palin narrative of American politics that's been peddled since Royalist and their Jim Crow brethren saw the sun set on the Union Jack and the Bars and Stars---and a Democrat doesn't have to acquiesce to the Walmart and Koch Brothers polemic to assume speculative-power as Bill Clinton pathetically did during his Presidency.

By Apropos


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