Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Intellectual-Liberalism of Republican Conservatism, Quarantine and The Ebola Disease, The Middle-Class and Chaka Zulu

Considering that the Intellectual-Liberalism of Republican Conservatism nationally has recently stumbled across quarantine as social policy response to the scientific fact of the Ebola disease and as typical of the reactionary futility of the Intellectual-Liberalism of Republican conservatism, the quarantine practice is being applied arbitrarily.  Because health care workers in the United States who treat Ebola patients are not subject to quarantine but those returning from West Africa are.

If quarantine is to be used in the United States.  The only fact that warrants it is Conservatism. The Intellectual-Liberalism of Conservatism is a scourge, a pestilence that has killed more than all of the great pandemics of the Black Plague and Influenza combined.  Conservatism has laid siege and laid waste to the middle-class in a manner feudal and liege wars never realized and not even the inexorable Mfecane of the warrior King Chaka Zulu anticipated.

So if the logic of quarantine is isolating a scourge, a disease then let the pogromization of conservatives begin.



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