Monday, October 27, 2014

Ebola Travel Ban Is Heaven Sent To Africans, The Collaborator Ellen Sirleaf and Imperialism

Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf
Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The proposal by the Intellectual-Liberalism of Republican-Conservatism that the solution to the West African Ebola outbreak is a travel ban from the affected countries should be heaven sent to Africans and those countries.

Because Africans can now seize and exploit the travel ban into severance of ties with the United States and it's imperialism.  Because if there has been a bane on the African existence, it's the unsolicited, unwanted contact and association with the United States and Western Imperialism that has categorically undermined and perverted African self-determination.

Nothing good has come of Africa's association with Western Imperialism. However there has been unmitigated harm and unimaginably maleficent destruction upon Africa and the Africans.  So if western Imperialism and it's United States medium wants to indulge it's base idealism and again malign Africa with a travel ban.  Then Africa should seize the opportunity, sever absolute ties with Western Imperialism, close it's borders a la' The Peoples Republic of China, rid itself of those African collaborators in it's midst, Liberia's Ellen Sirleaf to name one---cleanse itself of the fetid stench of its interrupted history by the Slave Trade and Western Colonialism and define its Political-Economy valuation on Africa's terms and not the Imperialist construct schemed by Venetian Cabal and it's international monetary fund.



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