Sunday, May 5, 2013

Surveillance Totalitarianism, Circa Post 9-11 and State Security

Leading up to the revision of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact, the United States and it's NATO Alliance used to level a polemic of Surveillance Totalitarianism against it as indictment of Socialism and it's Communist anticipations requiring Surveillance Totalitarianism.

The Soviets and their Warsaw Pact allies responded with: National meddling, interference and sabotage from the United States and it's NATO Alliance warranted such Surveillance Totalitarianism from the state security apparatus.  The United States and it's NATO naturally scoffed.

Fast Forward to circa post 9-11 and what we now have is the United States and the NATO Alliance applying Surveillance Totalitarianism in a manner the Soviets and Warsaw Pact couldn't have imagined nor dreamed of which confirms the maxim: The naivete of Communist idealism is no match for the repression of Capitalist Facism.

If the state security rationale wasn't good for the Soviets and it's Warsaw Pact goose, then it most definitely isn't for the United States and it's NATO allies gander circa post 9-11 practicing Surveillance Totalitarianism.

By Apropos


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