Monday, May 20, 2013

Schizophrenia and Hypocricy Of The Non-Regulated Global Economy

Recently corporate media has inundated our challenged attention span with news of a 1,000 dead persons, workers at a Bangladesh Garment Factory, victims of the schizophrenic and hypocritical non-regulated global economy narrative.

The corporate media storylines of the 4/24/13; Bangladesh Garment Factory catastrophe has been a stylized focus on the human tragedy, an underlining of the humaness of the dead workers.

In this contemporary social zeitgeist, more is owed the dead workers by those who death trumpet their humaness, but in life exploited and insulted their humaness by keeping silent on the conditions and practices that cumulated in and catalyzed their death.

The resulting editorializing and commentaries on the non-regulated and criminally deplorable Bangladesh Garment Factory work conditions by corporate media post mortem 4/24/13; should have been done pre 4/24/13; with equal zeal.  But considering that the consumers of corporate media benefit from the schizophrenia and hypocricy of the non-regulated global economy which Bangladesh and it's cheap and poorly paid garment factory workers play their umpa lumpa  roles, it wasn't 2.0 worthy of hors d'oeuvre chatter to recognize the humaness of Bangladesh moreorless critique their work conditions.

By Apropos


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