Wednesday, March 23, 2011

High Frequency Trading, American Political-Economy, Analog Human Brains, The Gold Standard, Democrats and Republicans

The criticism against High Frequency Trading is as Neanderthalic as that against Richard Nixon and American Political-Economy Dropping the Gold Standard.  High Frequency Trading is speculative activity performed by computers engaging in low hedge high volume transactions at speed rates unequaled by analog human brains.  Naturally and comically certain minds have come out against the use of technology in this fashion.

Apropos The Blog of Political-Economy finds this criticism as getting at the crux of the Value Dynamic, it's distortions as speculated at the expense of he Invaluable Satisfaction imperative of the Human Condition.  The abandonment of the Gold Standard by American Political-Economy despite it's factual objective has also been susceptible to criticisms by analog polemic which spectacularly has been the philosophical drag of the historical "what is to be done", notwithstanding the presumptions of Democrats and Republicans.

By Apropos


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