Friday, February 11, 2011

Barbara Walters, The View and The Political Expression of Middle-East Nationals

Why did Barbara Walters feel it was relevant, important and realistic to make the point as she did on the 1/31/11; The View.  That the Sate of Israel and it's Zionist contradiction had nothing to do with the political and social upheaval of January 2011; on going in he Republic of Egypt?

The driving polemic of American Foreign Policy for the Middle-East has been oil with the survivability of the State of Israel piggy-backing as moral motive.  The case can and should be made that towards these ends generations of Middle-Eastern Nationals have had their human potential and it's realization stymied and stunted.  Meaning the farce and charade of Israeli human civility and it;s democratic medium has come at the expense of the suppression of the organic political expression of Middle-East Nationals.

The Third Reich and it's presumptions might have also indulged in that one-dimensional activity of human ignorance which naturally caused it's victims to panic strickenly embrace on courses of action, where in order for their human lives to exist other human likes must be maligned and marginalized.  This is the historical fabric and tapestry to which Barbara Walters on the 1/31/11; The View for extraordinarily naive and simplistic reasons chose to excuse and mitigate.

By Apropos


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