Saturday, December 11, 2010

"Shock and Awe", George W. Bush, Iraq War Military-Adventurism and The Naivete of the American Social-Being

This post "Shock and Awe" reflection and it's revisionist lessons learned with focus on the naivete of the initial supposition that the George W. Bush and Neo-Conservatism Iraq War military-adventurism would be a clean sort of War permits and allows the crucial point of the War to be ignored.

The Iraq War military-adventurism was purposefully sold to an American public and it's intelligentsia that lacks (then and now) the dialectical tools to analyze and respond in kind to it's Political-Economy realities.  War, as Von Clausewitz instructs is politics, reflects the objective realizations of Man the social being.  Consequently George W. Bush and Neo-Conservatism by the Iraq military-Adventurism exposed the naivete of the American social-being

By Apropos

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