Friday, February 19, 2010

Jay-Z, "We Are the World-Haiti" and the Sore Loser Syndrome

Jay-Z isn't consistent.  His criticism of "We Are the World-Haiti" smells of the sore loser syndrome.
It's one thing to have a personal view and it's another to voice it, particularly when it is hypocritical.

Jay-Z has recently arrogantly criticized and expressed his feelings that "We Are the World-Haiti" a dirge paying homage to everything that is wrong with the Human Condition shouldn't have been remade as a dirge for the Haitian earthquake catastrophe.  In his view, the original "We Are the World" is sacrosanct.  The problem with his thinking is this: He is inconsistent and a sore loser.  Jay-Z remakes other artist works i.e. Tupac Shakur.  So he cannot be against practice of artist remaking another's works.

His criticism as needless as it, is has to be the eccentricity of the sore loser syndrome because he wasn't a participant in the remaking of "We Are the World=Haiti".

By Apropos


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