Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The First Year of Barack Obama's Presidency, Corporate media and the Tea Party and Birthier Movement

The Lesson of the first year of Barack Obama's Presidency is one that was anticipated and predictable.

It also speaks to the role of Corporate Media and a type of speech bias.  Corporate Media over loaded and bludgeoned our senses during Summer of 2009 with the Intellectual-Liberalism of the Tea Party and Birthiers.  With a type and level of political-activity that had and has nothing to do with tackling the nations pressing Political-Economic issues in the Age of Google, Apple and Avatar the movie.  Yet Tea Party and Birthier speech (A Birthier is a lunatic fringe proponent of the question, Barack Obama is not U.S. Born)  is consistently and contextually biased and opposed to everything and anything Barack Obama.

Yet via Corporate Media the Tea Party and Birthier political imperative that lost the 2008 election to Barack Obama was able to shrill their Intellectual-Liberalism loud and long enough and it's distortions has been the lesson of the first year of the Barack Obama's Presidency.

By Apropos


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