Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Is Wolf Blitzer A Bigot? Profiling, Bigotry and CNN

CNN Anchor/Reporter Wolf Blitzer
CNN Anchor/Reporter Wolf Blitzer (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Is Wolf Blitzer of CNN a Bigot? During the 2/16/09; edition of Situation Room on CNN hosted by Wolf Blitzer. He profiled the husband-suspect in a wife-beating case as a Muslim-executive.

Why would Wolf Blitzer profile the husband-suspect as a Muslim? Why did Wolf Blitzer find it necessary to interject the suspects religion as part of the news? Didn't the Nazi's and their yellow Juden patches teach us the futility of such Bigotry and doesn't the U.S. Constitution Fourteenth Amendment instruct against the Bigotry of Religious Profiling?

By Apropos


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