Monday, January 29, 2018

Bitcoin and Idealistic-Meritocracy

To paraphrase Marx, the emergence of money presents its own set of rules. To wit, bitcoin as an expression of money clearly does.

The problem with bitcoin is: it tilts the value dialectic to an extreme form of meritocracy, an idealistic-meritocracy to be specific. i.e. only the mathematically adept or a comparable digital program can access it, "mine" for it, after solving advanced theoretical mathematics.

Or those with conventional paper money or liquidity can afford its speculated inflated value. Either of bitcoin access points returns us to the antagonisms of old world or analog money.

The truth is bitcoin nor old-world analog money expresses the value dialectic which money is intended to do, minus the Marxian-Contradiction of "its own sets of rules". Thus squarely placing bitcoin as another distortion, another idealistic-Meritocracy that shackles the Human Condition to the suppositions of others and with equally destructive consequences on Human conditional sets of relations as the industrial revolution despite existential progress.

By Apropos


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