Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Self-Loathing Black People

Criticizing Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson is a diversionary tactic wielded by status quo reaction and it's collaborating support cabal of self-loathing Black people.  The practice of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson focuses on a fact of the National Political-Economy and their detractors and critics are it's beneficiaries.

If the question is:  Are Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson materialist and Jacobin in their thought.  The answer is no.  Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are idealistic critics of the national Political-Economy giving voice to its victims to the chagrin of collaborators as Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, Tony Herbert of Advocates Without Boarders, and Charles Barkley TNT Basketball analyst to name a few.

Criticizing Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson as race-baiters validates their practice and is tantamount to Southern Slave holders criticizing Northern anti-Slave polemic as carpet bagger agitations.

By Apropos


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