Monday, January 12, 2015

Black On Black Crime, 9/11 And Chasing Al Qaeda All Over The Planet

When White Conservatives and their Black stooges respond to the Black community's polemic against White police officers killing Black people---with Black people don't protest Black on Black crime.  The Black community must respond with: On 9/11/01; Al Qaeda attacked the United States and killed over 3,000 + persons, a number today which is but a drop, a blip in the yearly national rate of killing in this interesting nation of ours.

A tremendous amount of treasure and American lives have been spent exacting justice from the ideology that wrought 9/11.  No one has made the argument:  Why are we chasing Al Qaeda all over the planet at the expense of dealing with our yearly outrageous national body count and no one will make such an idealistic argument because even though we kill each other at rates Al Qaeda can only dream of achieving, it is our National Contradiction to resolve.

By Apropos


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