Monday, August 4, 2014

Nazi Era Jewry, The Final Solution and The Palestinian People

You have survivors and descendants of Nazi Era Jewry laying claim to property Nazis took and appropriated seventy plus years ago and successfully defending those claims.

Yet the irony of those same Jews contemporaneously seizing and appropriating Palestinian land and murdering Palestinians despite semantics, who dare protest, dare resist, dare disagree---only instructs us that the Palestinian people are not are unlike Colonial Era Native Americans or Australian Tasmanians who accepted historical irrelevance and genocidal extermination---and the irony reinforces the only anticipation: Which is, as idealistic as the Nazis were the Jewish question. The Zionist State of Israel and it's Jews, have replaced Nazi futility with Kabbalistic pretensions and being intoxicated on the antagonisms of hubris have forgotten it's own lessons experienced under the work of the Nazi Final Solution in it's speech with the Palestinian people.



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