Sunday, March 31, 2013

Anti-Social Security Trust Fund and The Idealistic Conservative Impetus and it's Intellectual-Liberalism Of Control

The Anti-Social Security argument perpetually made by Conservatism and it's Intellectual-Liberalism that  for every dollar paid by wage earners into the Social Security Fund, three or more dollars are extracted or paid out unearned.  Has nothing to do with "what is money" and Political-Economy fact but everything to do with the idealistic Conservative impetus and it's Intellectual-Liberalism of controlling the Political-Economy illiterate majority.

If each dollar paid into the government trust fund of Social Security isn't value appreciating parallel with the nations GDP (Gross Domestic Products).  Why then is the same dollar, privately speculated by it's critics, the idealistic Conservative impetus and it's Intellectual-Liberalism, appreciating in it's stock market activity?

By Apropos


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