Sunday, February 3, 2013

Wayne LaPierre, Government, Disinformation and What Is Lawful

Wayne LaPierre, executive Vice-President of the NRA is wont to say and we paraphrase:  Government shouldn't dictate what gun owners lawfully use to protect and defend their families.

This exampled Wayne LaPierre paraphrase is typical and endemic of what passes for contemporary public debate, it's discussion and polemic.

The only thing gleaned from Wayne LaPierre's Pro Gun anti-government statement is: It's crass disinformation, intended for the inattentive and gullible ears of the naive and idealistic.

In response to Wayne LaPierre we state: Government doesn't have to dictate what is lawful because it is the arbiter and determinant of what is lawful and unlawful.

By Apropos


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