Monday, August 27, 2012

Barack Obama And Does He Truly Believe That Ronald Reagan Was Good For The Nation

Does Barack Obama truly believe that Ronald Reagan was good for the nation and represented the just side of history narrative?  Because Barack Obama has quoted and referenced Ronald Reagan enough for the question to be raised that what might have seemed as a tactical maneuver by Barack Obama squaring the Intellectual-Liberalism of the Political-center and it's embrace of the Ronald Reagan mystification during his quest for the Presidency could be a sincere imperative and world view practically held by Barack Obama.

The reality is Ronald Reagan has always been an insidious and reactionary force in American politics.  Representing the opportunistic and unjust historicity of the Human Condition.  Activities from his early State Informer betraying his Screen Actors compatriots, through his Facist use of state organized violence against dissent during his stint as Governor of California, while single handedly being responsible for resurrecting the politics of hate and racism in contemporary American politics and as President effecting the destruction of Unions and Organized Labor.  Ronald Reagan was and has been a destructive force on the national Political-Economy.

So we state with clear eyed rigor, does Barack Obama truly believe that Ronald Reagan was good for the nation and represented the just side of history narrative?

1969 BERKELEY RIOTS " People's Park" California - Images by Janine wiedel

By Apropos


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