Thursday, July 12, 2012

Republican-Conservatism, It's Intellectual-Liberalism and Black People As Tokens, Symbols, Props and Collaborators

Republicans have strayed so far from their origins, the reason for the Republican Party that contemporary Republican-Conservatism thinks it's problem is a lack of Black people within it's rank and file.

But because of the Intellectual-Liberalism and hypocrisy of that line of analysis, Republican-Conservatism is unable to recognize that it's problem isn't because it lacks plurality of Black people in the Republican Party.  But the way of thinking of contemporary Republican-Conservatism, it's propensity to pursue and elicit the crass and uncouth base of socio-ignorance is diametrically at odds with the world view, aspirations and Political-Economy realities of Black people in America whose primary and fundamental nemesis is the practice of unbridled, unchecked and the unaccountable exploitation of Man by fellow Man.

Pointing to those token Black people in the Republican Party and pursuing Black people simply as symbols, exposes the Intellectual-Liberalism and hypocrisy of Republican-conservatism and the Republican Party that it is aware of it's unjust imperatives and the wrong side of history of it's contemporary polemic.

It also ignores the fact that the aggregate Black community is firmly familiar with those Black people who allow theirself to become tokens, symbols and props for Republican-Conservatism with the simple historical description: Uncle Toms, House Niggers and Collaborators.

Those Black tokens, symbols, props and collaborators of contemporary Republican-Conservatism are the same archetype faces, hearts and minds who initially captured and sold Black America into Slavery and have always collaborated with the application of it's Political-Economy.

By Apropos


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