Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Alienated, Superficial and Self-Loathing Psyche of Black Women, Euro-Centric Corporate America and Stedman Is It's Fact

Lets talk about the alienated, superficial and self loathing psyche of Black Women who work in Euro-Centric Corporate America, measuring the generic conduct of Black Men against that of White Male Corporate colleagues.  On the one hand envious of White Male professional activity, while on the other erecting an idealistical contrast, a nihilistic indictment of the seeming dysfunction of the generic conduct of Black Men.

Historically the alienated, superficial and self-loathing dynamic of the Human Condition has been observed and appreciated by discerning Progressive minds, liberated without the burden of having to defend bigotry and it's Intellectual-Liberalism.  The narrative of the professional Black Woman as she resolves her Black American experience is an alienated, superficial and self loathing one, notwithstanding the Oprah Winfrey phenomenon, as a matter of fact Oprah Winfrey reinforces the critique and Stedman is it's fact.

The Black Woman has historically articulated the idea that only a representation of White Male professional activity will be her measure while naively discounting the fact that White Male professional activity in it's purest form is a caricaturized  synthesis of the generic conduct of Black Men which it apes.

Need we list organic genesis of American culture from cowboy as quintessential Americana and it's birthed in the stench of Slavery, to Oprah Winfrey the national wet nurse Slave archetype?

By Apropos


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