Monday, June 27, 2011

CNN's Christine Romans Is Vapid and The Destruction of American Political-Economy

On the 6/11/11; Your Bottom Line, CNN's Christine Romans had an excellent opportunity to expose the idealistic and Intellectual-Liberalism narrative of trickle down, cut taxes, cut spending, Republican-Conservatism/Tea Partyism gibberish during another installment of her dumb down the public interview with Bill Bennet.  One of the historical sympathizers and advocates for trickle down, "scraps and crumbs off the table" economics.  But CNN's Christine Romans punted.

Christine Romans, laughed, smiled, grinned, and acted as if the flight of Speculative-Capital to the Peoples Republic of China by the likes of Walmart, General Motors, Hedge Fund enablers isn't the bane of job creation, but the measly federal gov. social spending and government jobs are.

Vapid she may be Christine Romans is as much a cause and reason for the destruction of American Political-Economy.

By Apropos


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