Monday, January 3, 2011

Free Speech, Google, Carla Franklin and the Courts

If the issue is Free Speech, the recent ruling by a Federal Court Judge against Google in the case of the disparaging anonymous You Tube video comments against Cara Franklin when contrasted with the the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in Citizens United, where the court ruled corporations have anonymous Free Speech--goes to show the extreme exertion to simply get it wrong.

The correct thing for the courts to establish and affirm is: the fundamental question of speech in the human condition and it's Political-Economy is speech is always human and singular.  Thus singular anonymous speech, as a singular epithet hurled anonymously from a crowd is protected speech.

The courts idealistically answer the Free Speech question in the Google, Carla Franklin incident with the implicit abstraction that the right lies with to know and that quite frankly is an idealistic perversion.

By Apropos


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