Thursday, September 16, 2010

Suing SEAWORLD, Victimization,Traumatization, The Political-Economy Critique What is Money and the Objectivity of Value

In the spirit of the Connell family, Suzanne Connell Mother and her ten year old Son, Bobby Connell from Manchester, New Hampshire, with the help of Attorney John Overchuck are suing SEAWORLD for traumatizing the ten year old Bobby Connell.  Because Bobby Connell witnessed the killing of a SEAWORLD trainer by a killer whale.
I suggest victim observers of police Assaults, lethal and non-lethal assaults, on citizens sue police departments for traumatizing and violating their trust in the civic social-contract and it's understanding.

I suggest victimized electorates traumatized by politicians deliberately breaking campaign promises sue politicians.

I suggest parishioners victimized and traumatized by their crooked corrupt parishioners sue the Priests and Preachers.

I suggest entire communities sue their respective state Prison Systems and Department of Corrections for the traumatization caused by operating Prisons in a manner that perpetuates recidivism and for the victimization wreaked by acts of functionally-socio challenged released Prisoners.

I suggest entire communities sue school districts and universities for foisting on the body-politic, faith instead of reason, belief instead of understanding, sentiments instead of analysis and critical thought.

And lastly but not least.  The Political-Economy critique what is money, the objectivity of value requires an answer that does not begin with : Low taxes, the government, is borrowing and spending money ends with, which our grand children will pay its burden and capitalism needs less rules more injustices.  Because of all the suppositions and lies this is the most egregious in it's victimization and traumatization.

By Apropos


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