Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Employment, The Human Condition, The Contradiction and Antagonistic Fact of Republican-Conservatism / Tea Partyism World View and the Invaluable Satisfaction of Value

The more technologically advanced and infrastucturally developed a society becomes, the more it's employment opportunities should be a premium.  Because the more advanced and technologically developed a society is, the more specific, niche and compartmentalized it's society becomes as the redemptive dynamic of the Human Condition collapsing into the philosophical phenomenon, thing for itself obtains it's inexorable realization.  Which then is the value and valuation of it's sets of relations.

The dialectical opposite of this phenomena is: The technologically least advanced and infrastructurally least developed of societies have the unrealized logic of total employment, because all parts and sectors of such societies have the unfulfilled potential of societies development.

The reality however is even though both socio-models of the Human Condition are in contradiction of the above.  In the case of the least developed the contradiction is blatantly antagonistic because when it would seem that populations of the least developed would have total and universal employment as their society's logically pursued infrastructural development.  The reality is a perversion of value, the idealistic definition of value and what is money presents the antagonism of majority unemployment as an artificial inexplicable circumstance.

This is the contradiction and antagonistic, fact of Republican-Conservatism/Tea Partyism World View, the inability to grasp the invaluable satisfaction of value.

By Apropos


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