Friday, April 10, 2009

Drug Testing, Food Stamps and Palinesque Republican-Conservatism

If the anticipation of those idiots whose idea of progress and enlightenment is to propose drug testing recipients of food stamps,Welfare e.t.c. wasn't Draconian. One would simply laugh it off as Palinesque-Republican Provincialism a la Reagan's Welfare Queen gambit.

Did it ever occur to those whose idea of the human condition and it's development is to always revel, writhing away in the slimy, soupy morass of the misery loves company, resentment syndrome of Republican-Conservatism, that whatever impact food stamp recipients have on the illegal drug industry is utterly minuscule. The illegal drug industry is a trillion dollar industry! Would food stamp recipients be on food stamps if they commanded or accessed that amount of cash flow and wealth?

What sort of social organization do we have if activities by the marginalized, underprivileged in all aspects and denizens of abject poverty are able to disrupt and destabilize society as the consistency with which petty tyrants and Republican-Conservatism idiotically scape goat as undermining?

By Apropos


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