Sunday, November 2, 2008

American Political-Economy, The Specter of fraud and the Voting Process

One would like to think that the 21st century order of business for American Political-Economy after the travesty and fiasco of the 2000 Presidential election and the specter of fraud which clouded Ohio's role in it's 2004 version, would be a commitment to the Democratic and the voting process by simplifying it.

Instead what we have is a pathetic nod to the poll tax ethos and the backwardness of 18th century thought which would limit voting rights to the White Male Gentry. With this insistence on using Voting Machines without a verifiable trail of the act.

It is not surprising that the "Progressive" states of Texas, Missouri, Louisiana, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and Pennsylvania are operatives in the Hoodwink and Nod game of Governmental Voter Suppression. Hold outs in upgrading their voting process to accountability.

By Apropos


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