Sunday, August 10, 2008

What is the Black Father and The Black Experience

Jesse Jackson
Cover of Jesse Jackson
Okay so Barack Obama is being critical of parenting in the Black community. Jesse Jackson whispered his intention of castrating Obama to a bewildered face on of all places Bill O'Reily at Fox News Studios. Because in Jackson's view Barack Obama is talking down to Black People. Eric Dyson an ardent Obama supporter apologizes then criticizes Obama's formulation and presentation of a fact, everyone agrees is material and objective.

Eric Dyson's position is , criticism, of what is the Black father in U.S. political-economy is first and foremost that of a status-quo distortion. Because certain studies show that Black fathers are as much involved in the lives of their children, despite the fact it is not universal total involvement because the fathers are not with the mothers, it is still involvement and as such it's critique hints at another motive.

Jesse Jackson's position is Barack Obama's critique is demagoguery and it doesn't expand and effectively lay bare the issue in the context of the effects of U.S. political-economy on the question, What is the Black Father.

The question What is the Black Father automatically anticipates What is the Black Mother.

How was this question formulated during the philosophizing period of Black American self-determination? What was the context of it's impact as it contended with that one and only underlying basis of it's existence, that of historical and specific American injustice?

It is relatively an idealist exercise to statically criticize dynamic elements. Specifically whether it's the idealism of Barack Obama, the reaction of Jesse Jackson and the apologetic-intellectualism of Eric Dyson.

Jesse Jackson's Operation Push hasn't presented the question and it's antagonistic element to the fore of U.S. political-economy, contrary to Jackson's assumptions.

Eric Dyson's writings has simply been preaching to the choir.

So besides the leveraged pabulum spoon fed the Black Condition by minds and hearts that seek manna from skies that can only reflect the steel, glass and concrete of it's contradictions.

What exactly is critique for it's own sake? Where is the formulation and it's organic intent to resolve the What is the Black Father question and the Black experience in U.S. political-economy?

By Apropos


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