Friday, August 24, 2007

AL Qaeda, Gut-Feelings and the Politics of Fear

Isn't it disingenuous for the Bush administration and it's apologist lackeys to on the one hand opportunistically exploit people's fears with hydra-like Al Qaeda sprouting all over the planet. No let me have a "gut-feeling" rather all over the universe and it's alleged summer block buster attack just in time to make up for weak Hollywood fare, or is it weak Republican inroads. Then on the other , proclaim it's tactics for the war in Iraq is bearing fruit because some rag tag wretches have purportedly run Al Qaeda aground in certain provinces and areas in Iraq.

This begs this: It behooves the imagination, that the strongest fighting force to legion like move upon human history could not run Al Qaeda aground and it had to out source as a lot of things are done these days to groups who in earlier State of the Union Addresses were referred to as thugs, murders and the killers for them to heel Al Qaeda.

It makes one wonder what was all that transformational headiness about anyway, or Al Qaeda is the doppelganger of opportunity for the Republican party that's having a hard time whipping up reactionary frenzy in a national policy that sees no economical incentive in reactionary politics.

By Apropos


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