Friday, June 22, 2007

Comments Political-Economy "A Rigor"

Comments Political-Economy
"A Rigor"

Tomes have been written on how one culture is vastly superior to another, how Europe's civilization, particularly the industrial revolution has been for the greater good of humanity and the human condition, how cultures not holding the same aspirations and instincts compatible with Europe's are backwards, ignorant, barbaric, ectetera.

Volumes fill shelves dusty with the optimistic realization of pessimism that qualifies the human condition.

The fact and the truth is creature and technological advancement do not in any priori form fashion or manner qualify as a greater good as the sages of each milieu trumpet.

The human being per virtue of it's mental ability, that specificity to learn and apply such learning qualitatively rose up from amongst the midst of beast by extension of it's technology, The human condition derived, as it is experienced, is simply the quality of that primal technology and it's specific and particular refinement.

But the essence of human culture, it's conscience remains the same. It has remained the same, an inability of human conscience to come to terms with that objectivity it's technology has created. The senseless destruction and chaos in the wake of such technological progress makes a fraud of any claim man lays to progress--- that standard, the ideal of the sanctity of the human experience has surreally and idealistically under the guise of practicality been co-opted by the infantility of man's mind in the face of the mysterious and unforgiven principles man's technology has uncovered--- To the extent, that technology as it empowered and was that motive for humanity's ancestral brain development has now simply become the stagnancy of mere refinement, holding prisoner the mind that brought it forth.
By Apropos


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