Monday, July 23, 2012

Republican-Conservatism and it's Intellectual-Liberalism Is The Classic Snake Oil Salesman

The World View of contemporary Republican-Conservatism is simply "people are too stupid to get out of their own way".

Because Republican-Conservatism and it's Intellectual-Liberalism can always point to something new, something else as cause of why, for example people don't have jobs.  So if it is't Health Care Reform, (derisively labeled Obamacare) as distraction, it's government if too big or government spending or to many regulations against polluters and exploiters or too much uncertainty (as if the Capitalist mantra of taking risk isn't steeped in uncertainty).

So the reality is the average person is averse and would rather be numbed by the distraction of blame and the therapeutic consolation of the misery loves company dialectic and this is what Republican-Conservatism perfects and it's Intellectual-Liberalism plys as the classic snake oil salesman hop skipping it from one election to the other with the anti-taxes slogan.

By Apropos


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