Thursday, June 30, 2011

Secretary Robert Gates, Political-Hyperpartisanship, The Nations Intelligence Soup and Fascism

If as Secretary of Defense Robert Gates suggested on the 6/19/11: FOX News Chris Wallace Show that a major and real concern of his is the impact of the nations Political-Hyperpartisanship on foreign affairs, which is also to mean National Security.

Then the only logical response and consequences are those acronyms of the nations intelligence soup, the CIA, NRO, NSA, GS et al and their legion sub-contractors will expand their sneaky internal and national operations to combat what in their view are the impractical and naive narrative of Political-Hyperpartisanhip brazenly.  And that will be illegal and violative of laws and proscriptions against state security operations on American soil.

Of course Robert Gates anticipates Fascism.  Which is the nature and function of government under the strains of a Political-Economy maximizing the exploitation of speculation at the expense of job creation.

By Apropos

Monday, June 27, 2011

CNN's Christine Romans Is Vapid and The Destruction of American Political-Economy

On the 6/11/11; Your Bottom Line, CNN's Christine Romans had an excellent opportunity to expose the idealistic and Intellectual-Liberalism narrative of trickle down, cut taxes, cut spending, Republican-Conservatism/Tea Partyism gibberish during another installment of her dumb down the public interview with Bill Bennet.  One of the historical sympathizers and advocates for trickle down, "scraps and crumbs off the table" economics.  But CNN's Christine Romans punted.

Christine Romans, laughed, smiled, grinned, and acted as if the flight of Speculative-Capital to the Peoples Republic of China by the likes of Walmart, General Motors, Hedge Fund enablers isn't the bane of job creation, but the measly federal gov. social spending and government jobs are.

Vapid she may be Christine Romans is as much a cause and reason for the destruction of American Political-Economy.

By Apropos

Thursday, June 23, 2011

U.S. Congressman Anthony Weiner, Corporate Media, Lies, Deception, CNN's Wolf Blitzer, Silverback Gorilla's and George W. Bush

U.S. Congressman Anthony Weiner presented himself to the hypocricy of Corporate Media and bespoke of his sins, his lies, and deception, but he was wrong and hypocritical to do so.
Anthony Weiners actions defending his deviant behavior is fundamental bedrock American behavior.  Lying and deception, lies and deceit are as historical as the objective and structural injustices and contradictions of America the idea and practice.
If Anthony Weiner is wrong in his lies and deception then George W. Bush, his Iraq War, The Weapons of Mass Destruction, the attack on Valerie Plame with the complicity of Corporate Media from FOX, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Associated Press, Reuters, NPR all drip with the syrupy stench of deception and lies.

From the bigotry and deception of CNN's Wolf Blitzer, Candy Crowley, Dana Bash, Christine Romans, through the entire delusionary pantheon of FOX and ABC, from the insidious schizophrenia of the Republican Party through the latent racism of the Democratic Party, lying and deceit is the glue that demands the center must hold of the nations values tale.  From the "In God We Trust", close your eyes in prayer while I open mine and ease the bill out of the collection bucket, pilfering you blind and sucking out the ambition of your soul dynamic of American Religion.  Lies and deception are the motive force --- should we go on?

So again what is the Anthony Weiner spectacle reminding us: That we are Silverback Gorilla's beating and punding our chest at the insufferable behavior of our fellow citizen?  How dare Anthony Weiner lie and deceive his way through 27 media interviews, how dare Anthony Weiner lie to the nation, turning the tables on Corporate Media, who lie, deceive while calling it new and political analysis.

At least Anthony Weiner's lies deception didn't loot the nations Treasury nor did it kill and maim hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and U.S. soldiers as George W. Bush and his Republican Party's lies and deception has done and is doing in the Iraq War and adventurism to which Corporate Media has been complicit.

By Apropos

Monday, June 20, 2011

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, Dwight Eisenhower, NATO, Germany and Aphorisms that go over well in Kansas

Soon to be retired Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has been Making the rounds with his farewell tour and in a move and practice reminiscent of his Republican compatriot Dwight Eisenhower, that it is easier to speak ones mind on the way out.  Re: Eisenhower's military-industrial complex critique. So channeling Eisenhower, Robert Gates recently delivered a blistering criticism of NATO and it's War readiness (which contextually should read, Imperialistic abilities).  Using NATO's behavior in the ongoing activity to remove Gadhafi from power in Libya.

Robert Gates NATO critique which should read specifically: German Critique.  Germany as a primary NATO member isn't playing an active role in NATO's Libya operations.  Add Germany's Libyan stance as it's Afghanistan and Iraq's and what we have is a clear record that shows German reluctance to engage in military adventurism, which is the Raison D'etre of Gates criticism.

There is one motive with two components to be considered as it relates to German Political-Economy.  (1) Europe is still leary of German Imperialism and world view. (A) German military adroitness and thoroughness (B) superior innovative ability when unleashed.

If Robert Gates wants history to appreciate his NATO critique seriously and not as cowardly Intellectual-Liberalism, conveniently delivered on his way out of office --- then Robert Gates should give America, it's NATO allies and Germany, dialectical critique based on objective Political-Economy and not "father knows best" aphorisms that go over well in Kansas.

By Apropos

Monday, June 6, 2011

The intellectual-Liberalism of Anti-Obama Critique, Republican-Conservatism / Tea Partyism, George W. Bush, Corporate Media and Complicity

The Intellectual-Liberalism of Anti-Obama critique from Republican-Conservatism and former George W. Bush Administration cronies and politicos is nothing less than maddening.

Didn't the Bush Administration at one point during it's many revisionary forays into selective reasons for the Iraq War, ridiculously with sticky fingers Dennis the Menace glee declare along with the identical duct tape as defense against nerve agent fiasco, that Iraq would be a beacon of "Democracy" in the midst of Arab failed states and dysfunction, even to the point of daring to use Zionist colors for the flag of the new Iraq.

Any and all that smells, hints drools of George W. Bush has forever lost any and all effrontery to suggest, critique, review, revise and polemicize.

Every single precept of Republican-Conservatism/Tea Partyism, it's Intellectual-Liberalism came to it's logical impulsive consequences during the Bush Administration and the only realistic redemption for Corporate Media and it's complicity is a stern exposure of the farcial and duplicitous narrative of Republican-Conservatism/Tea Partyism and it's Intellectual-Liberalism.

By Apropos

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Donna Brazile, Mary Matalin, The Blame Government Narrative and The Constitution of the United States

To understand what is wrong with Democrats one only has to listen to a Donna Brazile, who is a Democrat and Mary Matalin, who is Republican debate.

Mary Matalin will quickly wrap her polemics in a purported defense of the Constitution of the United States while in the same breath distort, mischaracterize and rewrite it.  Donna Brazile will either out of ignorance or because there really isn't contrast between Democrats and Republicans in the blame government narrative ignore Mary Matalins distortions and engage in a farcial debate.

Republicans make no bones that their world view is a reactionary and backwards one.  No matter the question we can always expect Republicans to present and defend it's reactionary and backwards aspect.  Democrats on the other hand do present and make efforts to defend a progressive, problem solving and enlightened anticipation of the Human Condition.  But as Donna Brazile carcaturizes so sadly, Democrats, despite the objective truth market not being cornered, not even by the sophistry insidiousness of Mary Matalin are squeamish and reluctant to state the obvious, that the Constitution of the United States is a Progressive document anticipating an energentic government.  As pursued by Article One, Section Eight of the Constitution of the United States of America.

By Apropos
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