Sunday, September 15, 2024


I begin with contrasting THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT OF THE BLACK AMERICAN EXPERIENCE with THE UNCOMMITTED MOVEMENT ATTACKING PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN along with THE CLIMATE and PROGRESSIVISM OF THE UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE MOVEMENTS. The context of The Uncommitted, Climate and Universal Health Care movements are PATERNALISTIC. What I mean by the paternalistic anticipations of these three current, non-civil rights movements is this: Instead of The Uncommitted, Climate and Universal Health Care movements actually creating and structuring an organized front, independent of Political Parties, polemicizing and advancing their objectives on their own particular terms, they are relying on tactics of pressuring, in this case THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY who they presume is amenable to their cause and objective. So in the case of THE UNCOMMITTED MOVEMENT and the relative blackmail of President Joe BIDEN, to now include Vice-President Kamala Harris. What we see is a singular focus on President Joe Biden as a paternalistic figure, responsible for a specific politics that is at odds with the objectives of and is offensive to the anticipations of THE UNCOMMITTED MOVEMENT and its defense of The Palestinian People being exterminated by U.S supplied armaments and materiel to the execution of Zionist objectives of the Israeli Government of Benjamin Netanyahu. Now here is a pivotal omission by THE UNCOMMITTED MOVEMENT in its critique, demanding a cease of U.S support of Benjamin Netanyahu's Zionist objectives. Joe Biden isnt the author and progenitor of American-Israel policy.Yes he supports,endorses and defends it comprehensively to the fullest and currently embodies it as an American President. But thats not the point,the issue is America's support for Israel is general, its woven into the fabric of the National narrative as such to elevate the Palestinian part of the dialectic with its undeniable humanness requires a movement comparable to The Civil Rights Movement of The Black American Experience. In other words the sort of parachute in practice of THE UNCOMMITTED Folks, is not only lazy political action but malpractice or the sort of idealistic intellectualism frowned on and castigated by all practical movements.THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT OF THE BLACK AMERICAN EXPERIENCE is a corollary, a proper continuum of America's history and existence. It is an accurate observation and characterization of history being the, account of production and its means.Whether its various formulations and struggles generally polemicized its self-cognition as fact of the nature of production and its means is besides the point, which then makes it applicable to a robust organizing pursuit by THE UNCOMMITTED MOVEMENT were it to glean, then respect, appreciate and learn from the hard won truths of THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT. Criticisms by "progressives" against The Democratic Party establishment on issues of THE CLIMATE and UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE, Despite being more mature, developed and practical still have a hint of the indulgence ailing THE UNCOMMITTED, meaning both movements share a pursuit on a reliance on the speculated paternalistic provisions and accommodations of the expected amenability of THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY. In so many words, if Government is active speech, a bullhorn available to us all, despite its zero sum dictatorship, then the acceptance that stability and civilization are stipulations of the simple basic relevance of history and its study is the only measure.

By William Thorpe

Friday, September 6, 2024


In a talk with Jason Johnson host of SLATES' A WORD, and THE GRIOS' Michael Harriot over the issue of Black Media providing, The Black Communities existential foes i.e Candace Owens, Nikki Haley e.t.c a platform to keep at the American establishments great work of maintaining the subordination of Black People to its feudalistic political-economy. The interview settled on the critique of the appropriation and exploitation of Black Culture and Heritage by Black people who have historically provided the function of collaborator and in this present and contemporary incarnation, as media personalities. Contextually, man the brothers are right, yes Bro. Jason and Michael are right and the critique is old as the human condition. Societies have always had corrupted members, anomalies who have betrayed their patrimony. The level to which the community is betrayed by the collaboration is perversely and convexly revealed by the saturation of internalized inferiority, once again we all know this. But what I want to instead focus on isn't the low hanging fruit of collaborator critique but rather what Brothers as Jason Johnson and Michael Harriot with the means and ability should reorient their focus and mature critique on. Let me unequivocally state that yes, our Politicians, Legislators and Judiciary have practical or applied power of, and life and death authority over "We The People "but also its speculative shell when they refuse to exercise it in benefit of the Social good and Contract because " We The People "have been sold out for and to the usual suspects. But these components that I've listed above which we were taught in classrooms is the Government are not the full story and its to that rest of the story or, the real American Government that my ask that our Bros, Jason and Michael focus on is directed. We have all heard of the nefarious document, PROJECT 2025 that has as its singular focus a nullification of the gains on the Battle fields of The Civil War. Some of us are askantly aware of some weirdly named private entities, as the HERITAGE FOUNDATION that are associated with its creation and production. Likewise some of us are also slightly aware of another private group, THE FEDERALIST SOCIETY that has everything to do with those wacky and idealistic pronouncements, perennially assaulting us from The Supreme Court of The United States, because they, the group, cultivated, supplied and provided the majority of those megalomaniacs posing as its judges. Let me say this as emphasis, there is a Supreme court ruling, part of the Nations jurisprudential canon, titled DRED SCOTT and it is reviled, yet almost every single court ruling foisted on the Nation by FEDERALIST SOCIETY Judges, is not only pining for its resurrection but actively working for its malevolence. There are a couple of more groups I need to mention as I make the point of what is our "real" government. The AMERICAN LEGISLATIVE EXCHANGE COUNCIL is the group responsible for all the laws that impede our dignity and progress. Then to close the loop you have the AMERICAN ENTERPRISE INSTITUTE with its pursuit of Liege political-economy. Individually we have people like Christopher Rufo and Edward Blum who earn a living warring against Black People and challenging any and all arguments we provide and assert as negative impacts of THE BLACK AMERICAN EXPERIENCE. So what I say to Bros. Jason, Michael and those with ability, instead of simply pointing out and exposing those collaborators among us, also expose and polemicize against these Billionaire funded groups and Think Tanks who only scape goat BLACK PEOPLE.

By William Thorpe
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