Thursday, May 9, 2024

On 4/24/24 Krys Boyd of KERA's THINK Interviewed Kabir Chibber on his opinion piece, "HOLLYWOOD'S NEW FANTASY A MAGICAL COLORBLIND PAST, which had been published in THE NEW YORK TIMES. First of all I'm detained in solitary confinement and I listen to Krys Boyd's KERA THINK most of the time, some of her content are inane others speak truth, but that's the human condition as such, say what you will but most are intellectually honest. Then there is the 4/24/24, Kabir Chibber interview, which peculiarly on two occasions, Krys Boyd allowed Kabir Chibber to disparage and dismiss The Vice-President of The United States Kamala Harris without context, as a matter of fact Chibber went out of his way to disparage Kamala Harris, underscoring his animus, which after listening to the interview smells like crass jealousy. Now would a man who would presume critique, idealistically of the entire Black historic condition and a cornerstone of the American GDP or Gross National Product, Hollywood be animated by jealousy of a woman, yup.What's that adage, "if it quacks like a duck....,it's a duck? Hell yeah Kabir Chibber is a duck. Look not only is he jealous of Vice-President Harris but ostensibly he's jealous of Black People, because one doesn't arrive at the seething disdain premised, better yet, expressed in his ".....colorblind" work without the sort of slanted eyes of opprobrium to wit jealousy, too much energy was expended by Kabir 'duck' Chibber on a enterprise that no matter how he's given the benefit of doubt, ranks fetid with, intellectual-dishonesty ,infantile sophistry, specious context, farcical excavations and a buffoonish premise. Am I surprised that The New York Times, fell all over itself publishing the idiotic work "HOLLYWOOD'S NEW FANTASY A MAGICAL COLORBLIND PAST"? No. Despite its support for Professor Nikole Hannah Jones 1619 PROJECT, The New York Times is an American establishment and just as we are always reminded of that other axiom, a leopard and spots, The New York Times is incapable of performing, what would be the leopard and its spots alchemy by becoming dialectically objective. Krys Boyd of THINK is also hopelessly subject to the establishment criticism. Now consider any contemporary journalist presented with the opportunity to interview Adolf Hitler or other leadership elements of The Third Reich post its destruction and everything that we now know of it and that journalist indulging in that unconscionable bothsideism of Donald Trump's assertions should be treated equally as Joe Bidens' when we already know the consequence of that world view? Well that is exactly what The New York Times and Krys Boyd of Think done in the matter of Kabir Chibber and his cartoonish neo-Linnaeusism opinion piece. The gist of 'duck 'Chibber's work presents the strawman logic of "colorblind". Then he reveals his 'annoyance' (as if "even the rocks "should commiserate with him) with Hollywood's artistic liberties of portraying Black People in Eurocentric milieus that historically excluded them. Of course he took offense to the movie BLACK PANTHER. Now when challenging intellectually dishonest works most of the time, their premise will at least have a modicum of 'idea' to be dispatched. But 'duck' Chibber doesn't even give us that.I mean really he has issues with a Black Woman playing Queen of a European principality in a cinematic work? Okay so what realism, what historical honesty are we supposed to accept, THE GAME OF THRONES, with its fire breathing dragons on? Now 'duck' Chibber's ironic cloaking of the inherent bigotry of his work, which Krys Boyd, to her credit and despite her compromises during the interview still had an ember of interrogative objective, to smell that it was that tired stench of bigotry fueling, Messer 'duck 'Chibber, to which the old 'duck' recognized with the comical protestation that he isn't, "a racist" .But the thing with life is yes, we can't read the mind but we sure as hell, will see the work and Messer 'duck's' is that old, "thou doth protest too much" ,because if it's okay for White movie makers to give us all sorts of bizarre, outlandish plots, hyper unrealistic dramatizations, taking all sorts of liberties with how we understand 1+1=2, yet Hollywood tells us that not only isn't 1+1 a 2,but we should accept that a bunch of brunettes, blondes and carrot tops were enslaved by other brunettes, blondes and carrot tops in Cecil deMilles TEN COMMANDMENTS. Now if this isn't a prima facie refutation of 'duck 'Chibber's ravings. In other words it's okay for Eurocentrism to give us all sorts of improbabilities and implausibility's at the expense of the old 'duck's Hollywood critique. Hell even that once upon a time "black face" of White actors placing themselves in, according to the old 'duck's mental labors historical implausible realities. I haven't even got to the quintessential repudiation of the 'duck's gibberish which is the fraudulent depiction of Jesus Christ by Eurocentrism as blonde and blue eyed or pick your palette of hair and eye color, but don't stray from Messer Carl Linnaeus, homo sapiens europaeus. So if The New York Times with all its intellectual resources and to a lesser degree Krys Boyd of KERA THINK conveniently ignored the double standard of Kabir Chibber's opinion piece and allowed its intellectual-liberal regurgitations existence. We can only reach one conclusion, that supremacy as Sisyphus is haplessly caught in its wretched futility loop. First of all what does Kabir Chibber know of history? Okay let's indulge him on his terms. How much of history isn't a set of symbiotic relations? What quality of these Americas is unadulterated "White", with whatever White is supposed to mean? I mean 'duck' Chibber, presents such a preposterous speech that incredulity is an understatement. The great schizophrenic, Thomas Jefferson along with his work of authoring, The Declaration enslaved a Black Woman, Sally Hemings whom he serially raped by any and all standards. Yet there are legion among us who deny and decry its history. Dredging up all sorts of nauseous sophistry that Thomas Jefferson and his reprehensible ilk and class should be understood within the prevailing standards of their times and epoch, really? Yet we should celebrate, honor and commemorate what was positive from that history,really? Now if contemporary humanity is the same biologic, mental and emotional beast unchanged for the thousands of years with our proficiency being that of braining each other, why then should our evaluation and accounting of our mutual behavior be according to a subjective and biased "standard", which we know to be nothing more than a justifying gambit? .All we value are actions and activities of our mutual past, yet we indulge in the petty corruption of, we can't dissect our past behavior, which then subjects us to collective schizophrenia as evidenced by Messer Kabir' duck' Chibber and his " colorblind "work. By William Thorpe

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