Friday, January 30, 2009

Timothy Geithner, Rhodesia and the Colonial Heritage

Timothy F. Geithner, Under Secretary of the Tr...
Timothy F. Geithner, Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs from 1999-2001 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
What was Timothy Geithner thinking, what was he suggesting when he referred to Zimbabwe with it's Colonial moniker, Rhodesia during his swearing-in ceremony on 1/25/09?

Timothy Geithner's affection for the Colonial moniker, Rhodesia and I take it the attendant exploitation and misery for it's Colonial subjects meshes with and will serve him well in his new found position as U.S. Secretary of the Treasury.

The obvious disrespect for Barack Obama, the First Black American President and his Colonial heritage was evident because Timothy Geithner with elitist-snide eccentricity was oblivious to Obama's presence, besides him as he paid homage to his British past masters and their Rhodesian Colonial paradigm---which ironically the Obama dialectic on a level negates.

By Apropos

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Sky News, Cecil Rhodes and White phospherous

Where is the outrage against the recent decisions of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and Sky News, not to broadcast a fundraising for occupied Palestine-Gaza Palestinians?

Denying and depriving simple humanitarian help to Palestinian human beings of Gaza, mocks whatever claim British culture through the BBC and Sky News has on humanness.
But then with the Cecil Rhodes endowment a source of British National Pride, it's source and origin unquestioned nor denounced. What is disdain for victims of white phosphorous bombing?
By Apropos

Monday, January 26, 2009

The Obama Presidency and Speculative Value

The opportunity the Obama Presidency presents is a simple one. It enables the necessary environment for struggle against the Colonial-Paradigm of speculative value.

Progressives and Reformers cannot however rest on the anticipation that Obama Presidency in and of itself annihilates reaction and it's Colonial-Paradigm of speculative value. Instead there has to be a vigorous education of the working class to the antagonism of the fraudulent taxation argument, which contrary to the home mortgage scape-goat is at the root of the economic depression.

By Apropos

Saturday, January 24, 2009

"Freedom" and the Slave Philip Reed

Why is it surprising and incongruous that the statue-figure atop the U.S. Capitol with the name "Freedom" was compleated by a Slave named Philip Reed?

The Freedom dialectic always requires it's absence.

By Apropos

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State

Hillary Clinton could have easily been the 44th President of the United States and the funding dynamics of her husband Bill Clinton's charity, The Clinton Global Initiative. Would not have been a liability. So why is it a liability for her Secretary of State position?

This debate over perceptions of conflict of interest and influence peddling with Hillary Clinton's Secretary of State position is farcially complicit and those well fed, shiny faced Senators and their fifth column, know it.

Criminal malfeasance happened during the Bush Presidency and it's newfound polemical vigor against Hillary Clinton's Secretary of State position should have been expressed against everything George W. Bush and his 8 years. Eight years that anticipates historical revision for it's validity.

By Apropos

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Robbie Tolan Incident and Policing America

New Year's Eve, December 31, 2008; for Robbie Tolan went out with the literal bang and smell of gun powder of a police fired 45 caliber bullet in to his chest. (Acknowledgments to, for pic. gallery)Robbie Tolan, a 23 year old Black Man from the Bellaire section of Houston Texas was held against his will by Houston Police, tried and convicted by Houston Police and was subsequently given the summary sanction of a 45 caliber bullet into his chest by Houston Police.

During the closing weeks of December 2008; protesters in Greece torched and burned major portions of the Nation, because Greek Police had held a Greek 15 year old teenager against his will, summarily tried and convicted the youth and executed him.

Greeks and those protesting Greeks declared with their anarchic political action that the American style of policing where trained and lethally armed officers summarily assault and execute suspects under the cover of "Standard Operating Procedure" and it's attendent historical racist dynamic, where the status quo in it's rabid fear of class warfare requires the Facist dialectic wasn't welcome in Greece.

The Robbie Tolan incident requires that the American working class apply the slogan: One Word, One Response, One Solution, Accountability in Policing in America.

By Apropos

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Sarah Palin and "Pathetic Bloggers"

Sarah Palin blames "Pathetic Bloggers" for the expose` and scrutiny of her contradictions and intellectual short comings, for being a punch line, the Alaskan watchabout for the Tiger-Wrestling Putin's incursions and last but not least did Sarah Palin name her kid after a NASCAR track?

Kinda surprising Sarah Palin never found the racist tone of her rallies "pathetic"

By Apropos

Monday, January 12, 2009

The State of Israel, The Palestinian Nation, Classic Land Seizure and the Contradiction of the Chosen People

The United State lays claim to being the greatest historical nation and the State of Israel claims chosen people as justification for existence. Yet both states have presided and been principal actors in what, if the idealistic and fearful view is taken, is simply an intractable "fact on the ground" as definition of the injustice done to the Palestinians and Palestinian Nation.

I could go all into the ridiculous nuances used in defense of Israel's claim to the Palestinian Nation. Nuances that mock the claimed pre-eminence of both the United States and Israel. The fact however is Israel and it's supporters have been struggling to defend a scale of injustice that was common practice of a by gone era and historical suppositions. That classic period of land seizure and European Colonialism, from Africa, the Americas to Southern Asia. Seizure of land was a fact of the human condition.

Israel came late to the land seizure game. Therein lies the objective failure of it's anticipation.

Israel, as a Jewish State imposed on the Palestinian Nation is doomed to failure for all sorts of infinite reasons. Regardless of narrative-sophistry, the resolution of the Israeli and Palestinian question lies with the simple recognition that it has two parts. Which are religious and secondly political.

The first part requires the recognition that Judaism lays claim to a historical point on earth. Just as Vatican City does in Italy and Mecca does in Arabia. This geographical point is only defensible when viewed apolitically.

The second part is the simple question of displaced persons allowed into United Nations mandate territory, which was the state of pre-Israel, British Palestine.

Recognizing Judaisms claim to a specific geographical point comparable to the Vatican City and Mecca and a revised recognition of the Palestinian nation that now holds within it's border's displaced and persecuted Europeans is the only objective resolution of the Palestinian question without the delusionary anticipations of Armageddon and the contradiction of the chosen people.

By Apropos

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Reconsruction, Slavery and the Amorality of Economics

The era reconstruction in U.S. history was first and foremost a Black one. It was about the destruction of slavery and it's vestiges and laying the foundation for former Black slaves realized access as positive political and social beings. [I'm not using positive in a good or bad context, but rather in a progressive, forward moving one] so the styming and destruction of gains during reconstruction in the south was essentially the reluctance to see Black people as political and social beings in the positive sense. The Dred Scott case was a precursor.

I say nothing about economical beings because contextually economics is of neither persuasion. There is not diametrically opposed values in economics. One can argue that if one is a slave, meaning in the performance of some sort of economical duty for another without remuneration, then it has to be a negative consequence on the slave and that would be correct. But the emphasis is on consequence. Consequence conditionalizes the nature of the duty in a purely subjective way. It gives it a relative value which is either positive or negative in the political and social sense -- and it is only in the political and social sense that the consequence of economics realized. A slave creates wealth without controlling it. Why is the slave unable to control it? Because of the politics and social structures which define the valuation nature of the produced wealth. This is the amorality of economics.

A quick example. Government in the form of Police seize a drug dealers assets. Assets which as defined by government is ill-gotten. So what is done? Are the assets simply destroyed? Does government say well the money is blood money! Its destroyed many lives so lets destroy it? On the contrary, instead government uses it, government appropriates the assets, and give it a revised political and social value.

This is the crux of the debate with idealism and it's inability in recognizing the inherent amorality of economics.

By Apropos

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Republicans are either misanthropes or simply stupid

Republican proponents of tax cuts as Political-Economy locomotive, specifically in it's context of catalyst for job creation are either misanthropes or simply stupid.

There is another rotten Republican-thought foisted on the public as analysis. The idea that home mortgages and foreclosures are the culprits for Global Political-Economy instability. Whatever happened to the simple fact: loss of jobs, outsourcing and overvaluation of capital are to blame.

By Apropos

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Global Warming and the Evolution of Melanin

With all this talk about Global Warming, one aspect has been ignored. What is the implication for pale-complexioned and blue eyed people?

Does Global Warming mean, natural selection will phase out recessive genes during the evolution of melanin?

By Apropos

Friday, January 2, 2009

Barack Obama, The Gay Community and Rick Warren

The Gay Community is tactically miscalculating in characterizing the Rick Warren flap as some sort of cataclysmic or seismic event with Barack Obama.

The Gay Community has been in a lot of ways idealistic in it's militancy. For whatever it is worth, those members of the Gay community who rant blue in the face over Rick Warren question have to seize the Polemical advantage the Rick Warren contradiction presents and exploit it, contrasting it's heresy with political naivete.

there isn't any sensibilities in the positioning of narratives and if the Gay community is to drag reaction squealing and clawing into the progress of the human condition it's militancy has to understand that.

By Apropos
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