Thursday, October 11, 2012

Charity, Winnipeg, Canada, Shoes, Mayor Sam Katz and Superficial Act Of Humaness

What is wrong with the human condition that a Winnipeg, Canada bus driver's recent charity of giving his shoes to a barefoot homeless person is seen as representing compassion, goodness and all the aspirational idealistic heights of the human condition.

Instead of celebrating the Winnipeg, Canada bus driver's act of giving his shoes to a barefoot homeless person as Mayor Sam Katz would have us do we should rather collectively be ashamed that the human condition we have created and constructed has resulted in homelessness and the need for others to donate their shoes to others.

A civilized society isn't measured by the idealistic and superficial individual acts of humaness.  Instead it should be objectified by the actuality of a national infrastructure that provides the basic essentials for it's citizens to function without the tyranny and intrusions of idealistic and superficial individual act of humaness.

If the Intellectual-Liberalsim of Republican-Conservatism is to be taken on it's word that we are beholden to none other than ourselves, then the ideas of charity, compassion and conditional social safety nets are intellectually dishonest and hypocritical.  Because who then is the arbiter of who is deserving and needy of charity and compassion, save the tyranny of ones presumtions, biases and suppositions.  Which in practice becomes a tyrannical perverse triage.

So if we advocate and defend the human condition as that of free and informed people then it's realization requires access to basic resources essentially necessary for primary function and if society is to be a just and honest one will only be provided by the collective us.

The practice of charity as compassion, charity as goodness, charity as humaness is a reactionary construct specifically in the employ of Speculative-Value and it's antagonisms.

We polemicize in contra.

By Apropos


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