Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Jake Tapper of ABC News, The Vote and His Purported Professional Ethic

Jake Tapper of ABC News has said he doesn't vote in national election because he wants to be objective and uninfluenced in his reporting and journalism.  This position and it's sophistry is indicative of the pretentiousness squeezing the credibility and objectivity out of corporate media.

Whether or not Jake Tapper honors his civic duty and vote has nothing to do with whether he has the intellectual-honesty and the purported professional ethic to require politicians define the national society and Political-Economy correctly.

When Jake Tapper starts doing this the antagonism between his civic duty of voting and his professional duty will cease.

By Apropos

Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Stooge Vivek Wadhwa and American Material

The author stooge Vivek Wadhwa, a Duke University Professor in his new book Exodus: Why immigrants are returning home, continues that paternalistic sophistry, the supposition that America as material object is realized opportunity and the world's educated should immigrate to it's shores at the expense of the corruption and backwardness of their natal homelands.

Seldom does the paternalism advanced by stooge Vivek Wadhwa critique the state of the human condition, the relations with the rest of the world's nations from the point that the internationalist nature of American Political-Economy has everything to do with the corruption and backwardness of the developing and underdeveloped world which is then conveniently utilized as polemic justifying immigration to the exceptionalism which is America as material object.

The mental labor of the likes of the stooge Vivek Wadhwa would do us good were the critique honestly directed at those sets of relations being exploited by American Political-Economy in opposition to the positive development of the developing and undeveloped world.

Because in the absence of such critical honesty the nature of our developed American exceptionalism is always at  the mercy of the paternalist hypocrisy spewed by the one dimensional gibberish by the likes of the stooge Vivek Wadhwa.

By Apropos

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Republican Party, Conservatism, The Obama Administration and American Power

This contemporary Republican Party and it's practice of Conservatism has a stupid and reckless way of critically dumbing down politically  anything their political opposition does.  So what we now have after the recent 9/11/12; attack on the U.S. Libya embassy and killing of Ambassador Chris Stevens and 3 other support staffers by supposed Libyan partisans is the Republican Party and Congressional Republican making the Intellectual-Liberal argument that anti-American protest and embassy breeches in the Middle-East are happening because extremist are not scared of America, with inference that the Obama Administration has weakened and diminished American power and might.

This begs this when are radicals, extremist, rebels ever scared of the status quo and it's organized violence?

So the position of these opportunistic Republicans is the Taliban and Al Qaeda slaughter of U.S. military forces in Afghanistan and Iraq is happening because U.S. military force isn't scary enough?  The tortures at Abu Ghraib, Bagram Base Guantanamo Bay and renditions  to C.I.A secret sites are not moral hazards enough to dissuade rebellion?  Have attacks on American interest nationally and internationally i.e.Oklahoma City and U.S.S. Cole occurred because the perpetrators thought twice about American Power? The U.S .S. Cole was a war ship, a war machine, the epitome of organized violence and relative power yet it was attacked.

The response Congressional Republicans and their opposition to the policies of the Obama Administration present is per virture of their opposition to the Obama Administration anything and everything happening under it's tenure has to be viewed through an antagonistic prism.

So American governance in the 21st century as strategized by the Republican Party and its Intellectual-Liberalism is the reckless dictatorship of Conservatism.

By Apropos

Charity, Winnipeg, Canada, Shoes, Mayor Sam Katz and Superficial Act Of Humaness

What is wrong with the human condition that a Winnipeg, Canada bus driver's recent charity of giving his shoes to a barefoot homeless person is seen as representing compassion, goodness and all the aspirational idealistic heights of the human condition.

Instead of celebrating the Winnipeg, Canada bus driver's act of giving his shoes to a barefoot homeless person as Mayor Sam Katz would have us do we should rather collectively be ashamed that the human condition we have created and constructed has resulted in homelessness and the need for others to donate their shoes to others.

A civilized society isn't measured by the idealistic and superficial individual acts of humaness.  Instead it should be objectified by the actuality of a national infrastructure that provides the basic essentials for it's citizens to function without the tyranny and intrusions of idealistic and superficial individual act of humaness.

If the Intellectual-Liberalsim of Republican-Conservatism is to be taken on it's word that we are beholden to none other than ourselves, then the ideas of charity, compassion and conditional social safety nets are intellectually dishonest and hypocritical.  Because who then is the arbiter of who is deserving and needy of charity and compassion, save the tyranny of ones presumtions, biases and suppositions.  Which in practice becomes a tyrannical perverse triage.

So if we advocate and defend the human condition as that of free and informed people then it's realization requires access to basic resources essentially necessary for primary function and if society is to be a just and honest one will only be provided by the collective us.

The practice of charity as compassion, charity as goodness, charity as humaness is a reactionary construct specifically in the employ of Speculative-Value and it's antagonisms.

We polemicize in contra.

By Apropos

Monday, October 1, 2012

The United States, Arabs, Muslims, Violence and Savagery

The idea and it's rhetoric that the United States is this haven of civilized behavior and bastion of polite and conscientious politics as idealistic specific contrast and criticism of the recent 9/11/12; violent behavior of Arabs and Muslims in protest over a vulgar, Anti-Mohammed video and United States attitudes towards Islam, ignores the history of these United states and the historicity of it's people.

Violence and savagery in all forms and it's efficient specificity is transcendent in the United States.

Arabs and Muslims are naive Johnny Come Lately's to consequential violence, uncivility and the subsequent social instability and of all the criticisms we can lodge against Arabs and Muslims savagery and uncivility should laughably be the least.
 By Apropos
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